Spring Cleaning 101
/It seems like we are finally out of the polar vortex (for good) so that means it’s safe to start talking about spring and summer activities!
Most people think of spring as a time to reset and clean up any winter clutter or getting their yard ready for summer. We recommend making a list and prioritizing instead of trying to get everything done on the first warm weekend.
As always, before starting any activity, either inside or out, you should warm up. Consider a brisk walk to get your heart pumping and loosen up your muscles, followed by some stretching or gentle mobility. Try this cat-cow movement!
•On your hands and knees, let your back arch downwards and then smoothly round upwards.
•Keep movements very controlled and in a pain free range, do 10 in a row
Here are some more tips to make your spring cleaning successful and injury-free!
Remember to take frequent breaks and stay hydrated as you complete your cleaning project.
Get help for moving heavy furniture.
Clean the floor with a mop rather than on your hands and knees. Push the mop forward and back to clean small areas at a time, rather than leaning too far forward.
Vacuuming can put a lot of strain on the spine and neck. Keep the hose in front of your body at waist height, use both hands to push the vacuum, and walk straight across the carpet, then turn and go back. Avoid pushing and pulling in short little strokes.
If you're washing high windows, use a secure ladder or step stool to stay level with the window rather than stretching your back and neck upwards for long periods of time. The same goes for painting.
Lift items such as mulch, flower pots and other heavy objects by bending your knees and lifting with your legs rather than your back. Keep items close to your body and use both hands.
Pull weeds with your legs and abdominal muscles tightened .
Spring cleaning can be great exercise. Consider it a workout instead of work!
As always, if you have any questions feel free to chat with us next time you’re in!