Saravanan Shanmugham


Physical Therapist

Certified Gunn IMS Practitioner, Certified Manipulative Therapist, Certified Acupuncture Practitioner, Certified Graston technique practitioner, Certified vestibular therapist

Saravanan graduated from the TN Dr. MGR Medical university in India in 2004 and in 2007 he completed his Master’s degree. Saravanan is certified in acupuncture, and IMS, and has completed his spinal manipulative therapy. In addition, Saravanan has completed courses in Advanced Graston technique and Advanced Vestibular rehabilitation. Saravanan believes in learning is a lifelong process as there is a saying “what we know is a drop, what we don’t know is an ocean”. Saravanan upgrades his knowledge every year by participating in different courses to remain up to date. Yes, the learning never stops!

Saravanan has special interest in treating chronic neck pain, low back pain, sports related injuries. Saravanan uses is experience and knowledge in identifying the root cause of the pain to maximise movement and function to improve the health and wellbeing of the patients.

Saravanan enjoys driving, hiking, and exploring new places. Also enjoys spending time with his family and playing with his kid. His kid loves his dad.