Remembrance Day Weekend Hours

This November 11, we hope everyone can take some time to remember those who have fought to keep our great country what it is and those who continue to sacrifice their lives in the name of Canada. 

We will be closed for Remembrance Day:

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Monday, November 13, 2017

We will resume business as usual on Tuesday, November 14 at 7 am




Happy Hiking!

Now that cooler weather is here and the bugs are gone it's the perfect time to get outside and do some hiking! The fall colours won't last much longer and walking is one of the best ways to prevent osteoporosis and heart disease! Just 15 minutes a day can make a difference! Not sure where to go or looking for a new trail? Check out this great website for ideas: (Side note: it's also available as an App so you can take your map mobile) 


Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Everyone at Hawkstone Physical Therapy has a lot to be thankful for. We will be closed over the weekend to enjoy spending time with family and friends. We hope you are too.

Please see our hours below:
Saturday Oct 7, 17 - Closed
Sunday Oct 8, 17 - Closed
Monday Oct 9, 17 - Closed

We will come out of our food comas and re-open on Tuesday, Oct 10, 17 at 7am.  

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Get Back on Track

It has been a great summer full of vacations, lake time and other fun activities. Now it's time to get back into the work and school grind, along with seasonal sports and activities. Make sure you are ready to go or have those small aches and pains checked out by coming in to see us! We can assess and treat any injuries you may have and provide you with a strong exercise program so you can be at your best!

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